Really cool game. I like the art style too. This reminds me of gauntlet legends. The hints were hard to read.
Really cool game. I like the art style too. This reminds me of gauntlet legends. The hints were hard to read.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll make the hints more visible in the next update.
haha yes!
This is such a cool idea. I'm definitely going to play this again once I upgrade my comp, even on low quality it lags like crazy for me. Other than that, Great stuff here :D
Even when I was testing it, I had to play it on Medium difficulty, so no worries. Glad you enjoyed it.
ok, im sure you could make a really great game
but this game was very boring. You chose a cool song so I just left the game open to listen to the song! Oh, the lettering you did, in my opinion, was awesome though. :)
yeah, I'm pretty good at lettering.
I found this game here to be quite challenging! At first it was hard to get use to but once I did I was having myself some fun! Made it to stage 5 and lost. I think I hit a weiner.
I'm glad you liked yourself this here game there.
You shouldn't hit your weiner too often, you might get hurt.
ITS SO CUTE! I love it :) I like how it loops. Make more of these, they're grrrrreat!
so are you :D
That was just wonderful! I was looking for a fix, I felt as though I was going to explode! But then, somehow, I found this game... THIS GAME, gave me that fix. I am better now, because of this game. Thank you!
For anyone having trouble, the lizard has more hp and mp! shhh
oh! thank YOU, mister toxicbomb!
Rather than just editing the original, you decide to resubmit again, and get another award! You should try it again, see how many you can get! CoooOooOOol!
This edition is much easier bitch, it wasnt meant for a n award or anything
This was a neat little rpg! Makes me want to play some final fantasy or mario rpg! Good graphics n shizz. Good job! :)
WHAT!? jeez, man, the point of the game is for you to play it, lol, not other games haha! thanks toxic...
I suck, my score was around 2000! I really enjoyed this game, so cool. Wouldhave been better if my sound wasnt messed up. I gave a 10 for the sound because ive played this before and I loved the sound. Great job on this one guys! I LOVED IT!! Console? lol
Console? I WISH!
Man, someday, I'll be swimming with those fishes... thanks for the review, buddy, glad you enjoyed it.
thats pretty cool. YOu should add other cars.
Also, my last name is Fennell, and I have a brother named Mark Fennell!!!1! Thats awesome lol
wow... cool!
Age 38, Male
Doyle, Ca
Joined on 2/6/02