Pretty dumb...
Yeah, think of something better. Is everyone losing taste nowadays? C'mon...
Pretty dumb...
Yeah, think of something better. Is everyone losing taste nowadays? C'mon...
Man, this better not get blammed...
It's all smooth. I like seeing sno-boarding stuff on newgrounds, since it's a rarity (from what I have seen). Keep doin what your doin.
Not bad....
EXCEPT FOR THAT GAY MUSIC!!! Plus it has wayyyy to big of a file for that short of a movie! Fix it!!! You can still update this movie to fix the music (if you didn't know). That would make it a lot better! (change the song too)...
HAhaha, cheese man huh...
Now I just want to make my OWN cheese man movie. It probably wouldn't be as good as the one you people seen, but it would be fun to make. Haha, cheeseman...
Not very long...
Hey, if this was longer and had more of a point, it would have done way better! Nice movie though, MAKE MORE!
Ha, great movie...
yeah, I think everyone else has said what I think about this...
WOW. The only thing that sucked was waiting for it to load. Come to think of it... it never did. :-( and I know I missed out on a lot. I only seen a small portion of it, but hey, good enough for me! Keep doin what your doin yo. And I hope they take your story for the movie.
Ok, poop_head69... shut up...
You have to know what others think DUH! So that you know what to do the next time you submit a movie. Ok, here is MY opinion... It is a good start on shape tweening, yes it is fun to do. BUT, dont use it too much if you know what I mean. Still with me? K. Instead of using the same background (blackness), I suggest using other stuff, like mountains err something, whatever you think would go good. Hmm.. what else....The shape tweening was too slow. Could have made them faster. umm, your lyrics in the song should be "Sinced" with your words that you write. Like, when the guy says "Why" it should say "Why" at the SAME time. Im not going to criticise this anymore, I dont want you to NOT make anymore... yes, make more. Just keep in mind about my oppinion. good job though...
Hey, it would have been way better if the music went with it. It was really late. Also, this song has been used too many times in zelda movies. You could do better than this, just... when you put a sound in flash, (im not sure if you know this) you can click on the frame that has sound and then select properties... you see where it says "Event"? Change it to "stream". Thus, you can hear exactly where the sound is at on any frame. It makes it way easier if your gonna make a music video or something.
thanks alot for that tip. when i watched the moviee before i submitted it, the sound was insync on my version. but once it hit the web. whoa shit.
Age 38, Male
Doyle, Ca
Joined on 2/6/02